Brand and Marketing Performance Audit

The Unfussy Brand and Marketing Performance Audit is a cost-effective way to identify the issues that are hindering your brand positioning and marketing performance, and what you can do to address them.

Armed with this knowledge, you can make the right decisions about where to allocate your resources in order to integrate, activate and optimize your sales and marketing activities, and ensure that your authentic brand is recognized, remembered, and in alignment with your values, beliefs, priorities, and business plan objectives.


  • Brand presentation and workshop
  • Business / strategic plan (a review of goals)
  • Current performance vs. Objectives
  • Products and services being marketed
  • Existing and potential target audiences (geographical / demographical / psychographical)
  • Key competitors (business and brand)
  • Marketing strategy (existing and potential thoughts and materials)
  • Brand and Marketing Gap analysis
  • Industry brand perception and effectiveness


  • Length and structure
  • Gatekeepers, influencers, decision makers (internal operations)
  • Entry points (i.e. where do leads come from? Who initiates the cycle: the sales group or the customer? etc.)
  • Sales tools used and missing


  • Collateral—identify gaps with regards to targeted audiences and the sales cycle, and audit content
    against product and/ or messaging documents
  • Website and Social Media—identify gaps with regards to targeted audiences and the sales cycle,
    and audit content against product and/ or messaging documents
  • Lead generation and other programs— purpose and effectiveness
  • Brand—management across media and programs; high-level perception gaps; consistency of messaging and visuals


  • Brand effectiveness
  • Target / niche audiences
  • Goods and serviceas
  • Operations and sales
  • Sales cycle support / optimization
  • Marketing communications consistency
  • Other opportunities to enhance overall marketing performance

Ask about our Brand and Marketing Performance Audit to quickly reignite your growth, take the lead and reap the rewards.

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